Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Too sleepy but i havent blogged in days so im gonna do a quick and short one here ...

I've been busy with things. I've got a project coming up real soon insyaallah hopefully in April with my partner. And i've been sleeping less because of this but i hope all goes well. Besides that, someone offered me to be a part of something huge. And i am super excited about that offer but i cant tell you people yet but i will soon once it is official. Insyaallah.

It has always been a passion to do 'that' and hopefully i can explore more and give more to both projects. I am lucky and thankful to find a partner who shares the same drive and passion like i do. And i am making a promise to myself that i'll try my hardest to make it work because i have got so many plans in the future and i am super excited. And most importantly i want to make my mother happy.

Besides these two projects i am also helping out a friend with her engagement and another friend with her wedding and another friend with her birthday party. And my cousin's friend is asking me to do her makeup in April and on her wedding somewhere end of this year. Phewww ... And i am also planning a trip down to an island end of this month and another one insyaallah in September.

Thank God ( ... and my mother and Mia, lol) for my Blackberry and organizer. I am officially attached to my organizer now thanks to you Mia! Hahaha. I bawak everywhere i go now. Life is so much easier now. And i think i really need a iPad. I hope my mother reads this. Hahaha. Kidding! Dont get a heart attack now please hehe

Well anyways, thats all for now folks. Im really sleepy and hopefully i can wake up early later to do some jogging because i know i've been saying this for months now but i still am fat. So screwed, ummm yes. Maybe i should donate my fat to Mia because shes so thin. I hate her for that. Okay enough blabbering. I shall write more soon insyaallah. Wish me luck people. And i hope good things will come your way too. Amin.

Goodnight x

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