Thursday, September 16, 2010

As you grew older, you can differentiate whats good and bad. You learn from your mistakes, grow up and be a better person. What if going through all of that, isnt enough to drive you into being a better person? Whats the use in having regrets if you're still doing the same thing?

When you look in the mirror do you loathe the person you've become? Do you feel guilty for letting down those who you love? Or do you simply do nothing and keep on telling yourself that "one day, i will change for good". But what if the day never comes? What if its too late? So many 'what ifs' waiting to be answered.

We all make mistakes, its a part of our human nature. But mistakes when made repeatedly, will loss its meaning, like when you say sorry too much it doesnt mean a thing anymore to you or to anyone else.

So what do you do now? When a part of you is dragging you to do no good, and when another part of you wants to be good?

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