Monday, July 26, 2010

Nisfu Syabaan

Tonight is the night of Nisfu Syaaban (closing of the book of practise). And i would like to sincerely apologize to everyone if theres any of my wrongdoings or words that might've hurt you people in any way, i am truly sorry. Please forgive my mistakes. I am only human. I'll keep on pushing myself harder to be a better daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend and most importantly to be a better Muslim. Insyaallah.

Pada malam Nisfu Syaaban, segala amalan lama akan dibawa naik oleh malaikat untuk ditukar dengan lembaran yang baru, untuk dicatatkan amalan yang baru.

"Allah will see his followers on the night of Nisfu Syaaban and Allah will give 'pahala' or rewards to all of the followers except those who commit 'syirik' and adultery." - Prophet Muhammad SAW

With the closing of the book tonight, hopefully the new book will be filled with all our good 'amalan' and 'ibadat', and here's hoping it'll better than the book thats being close tonight, amin.

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