Friday, November 11, 2011

A Heartbreaking Goodbye

Since i week ago i was prepping myself up to be a godmother to my hamster pups. I read every article i could find on the net regarding the pregnancy, what to do before and after, what to feed and such. I was nervous! The mother, Miu Miu is only few months old. She is the only female among her siblings.

I mate her with her brother. It so gross of me i know but it just ... happened! Tengok tengok perut dah bulat, muka dah chubby, makan dah banyak, tidur pun banyak. Before i went out just now i went to check her cage, hoping to give her some cheese cause she needs her protein. I got a shock when i saw red ants surrounding her but they didn't bite her (you dont know how thankful i am for this). Then, i saw something truly sad. The babies ... 3 of them on the tissue covered in a lot of blood with even more ants. I swear i heard my heart break into tiny pieces. I got panicked and i called my aunt to hand me over a spoon (never touch the pups with your hands), i collected the pups and sadly found 2 more under the beddings.

I feel so sorry for Miu Miu. She looked lost and so tired. She didnt even touch the cheese i bought her. I covered her cage with a blanket to get that 'fake night' effect. Then i left to do my things.

Bought green grapes and carrots for all of them. Then i realized 2 of my adult hamsters also died. Ya Allah sedih sangat. Rasa guilty gila because i always tak berapa layan both of them. Sebab garang. But i loved Lola. Lola was Miu Miu's mother. So sad to see her go. My sister was devastated too.

I collected all the bodies, covered them with tissue and bury them next to each other. I didn't cry. I did when my first hamster died. But i didnt this time. But i feel so guilty to the babies and to Sookie and Lola.

RIP my little darlings. I love all of you so very much. Im so sorry.

I wish i'd spent more time with the both of you. You'll be missed.

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