Monday, May 10, 2010

Please Be Mine, My Love

Chanel Vintage Jumbo XL. Approx RM13,500.

Can i have this and not get a car? I will not ask for anymore birthday presents for at least 2-3 years. Why the hell did i get my 2.55 instead of this? I must be seriously insane at that time! Just add on another RM1500 Melissa, whyyyyyyyyy oh whyyyyyyyyy you so bodoh!

Nak simpan duit beli beg ni, tapi taktau bila boleh dapat? I waited 3 years for my first Chanel. Takkan nak kena tunggu another 3 more years for this beauty? Maybe i should ask my sister to share money with me half half to get this bag since she pun suka. But i cant go on another year not having a car. Kalau tak beli buang duit taxi. Duit taxi boleh guna untuk benda lain. Kalau beli tak dapat beg. Tapi orang lain pun tak pakai beg sampai mahal mahal. Tapi kalau usaha kumpul duit dan beli, kalau mampu tak salah kan?


reena said...

Beli dua2. Hehehe. Tak pun u beli ni kat kedai vintage ke. mesti murah lagi. Or buy direct drom oversea.

Melissa R. said...

i tak mampu nak beli dua dua. u pun tau dari bila tahun i dok kata nak beli my 1st chanel and bila tahun baru i dapat merasa kan? lama u. rasa cam tak sanggup nak lalui lagi sekali. kalau tak beg ni 14k, rm13500 tu best price. 'best' price lah sangaaaaaat :/

Unknown said...

i saw glampot selling it for 8k ja ;) lagi best price tak?

Melissa R. said...

hehe i know i saw it too but dah sold out :(